Welcome to Speed Memorial Church
Welcome to Speed Memorial ChurchWelcome to Speed Memorial ChurchWelcome to Speed Memorial ChurchA Community Church
A Community Church
To gain access to the study, go to the drop-downs at the top of this Web site. Choose "Get Involved," then choose "Poetry of Lent." You can also get a printed copy of the study and the poems from Pastor Ed Sulpice.
What a wonderful time of fellowship, food, and faith at our Women’s Christian Fellowship meeting! We discussed plans for our upcoming April Yard Sale and the May Spring Fling Dinner & Program—exciting events are on the way!
A big thank you to our meal hostesses: Becky Baker, Sandy Nunn, and Andrea VanMeter for preparing a delicious meal!
Let’s continue to grow together in Christ and service!
Applications for the Guenther Family Scholarship are now being accepted. Scholarship applicants must be a member of the congregation or a family member of a member of the congregation. For more information, contact the church office.
Give up worry - Trust in the Lord
Give up - complaining - Focus on gratitude
Give up pessimism - Become an optimist
Give up harsh judgments - Think kind thoughts
Give up discouragement - Be full of hope
Give up bitterness - Turn to forgiveness
Give up hatred - Return good for evil
Give up pettiness - Become mature
Give up gloom - Seek beauty around you
Give up negativism- -Be positive give up anger
Give up jealousy - Pray for trust
Give up gossiping - Control your tongue
Give up sin - Turn to virtue
Give up giving up - Hang in there!
Here's another recipe from the cookbook:
Mamaw Pruitt’s Homemade Noodles
In Memory of Mildred Werle via Marcia Schiller
2 C. flour
2 eggs, beaten well, adding ½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
Mix all ingredients. Roll out as big as you like. Cook with love.
Spring Yard Sale Collection
March 31, April 1-4, 7-9, 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Spring Yard Sale
April 10-11, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
April 12, 8 a.m.-noon
Sunday, March 23, 2025
To access the SMC YouTube site, click here. At this site, you can livestream the Sunday services.
Speed Memorial Church
328 US Route 31, Sellersburg, Indiana 47172, United States
Pastor Ed sulpice * 812-246-3262